The Celeste Star
The image shows the completed Celeste Star.
It is folded from yellow paper and presented on a colorful background.

Credits and Resources:
Designer/Creator: Madhura Gupta
Website: madhura-gupta.com
Instagram: @tinnifolds
Text-Only Instructions: Nishi Sakpal, Mumbai, India
With thankful acknowledgement to Madhura Gupta for teaching this model - December 2023
Folder: Nishi Sakpal
For any questions, comments or suggestions, email accessorigami@gmail.com

Description and more information:
This is the Celeste Star designed by Madhura Gupta.
This Star is folded and assembled by joining 4 units folded from 4 right angle triangles which are obtained from A square folded into diagonals, and then by  cutting along the creases.
The star has four long, slender arms with a crease line extending from the center to the point of each arm of the star.
At the center of the star there is another tiny  star that also has four points.
This model is cymmetrical, so the back and front looks similar.
 For convenience, I will be dividing this tutorial into three parts.
Part 1 - How to make the triangles;
Part 2 - Folding the units; and
 Part 3 - Assembling the star.

Part 1 - Making the triangles
Step 1
Place a square on a hard surface in the diamond orientation with its points on the top, bottom, left and right.
Step 2
Make a diagonal fold by bringing the bottom point to  the top point.
Crease well.
Now you will have a triangle with two loose points at the top and the folded horizontal edge at the bottom.
Step 3
Without disturbing the orientation of the triangle, bring the left point to meet the right point and make a strong fold and unfold.
You will feel a vertical crease line running along the center of this triangle.
Step 4
Gently cut/tear the triangle along this vertical crease from bottom to top.
You can cut the triangles in whichever way you prefer.
A pair of scissors or a paper cutting knife can be used.
If you are used to it, you can tear paper very well with your fingers.
For this, your creases have to be very strong and accurate.
Once you have finish cutting or tearing the triangle along the center, you will have two two-layered triangles.
Step 5
Now, take one triangle and open it like a book.
Orient it so the point of the triangle is facing away from you, and the horizontal edge is nearest you.
You will feel a vertical crease line running along the center of this triangle.
As before, cut or tear this triangle along the center crease.
Your triangle will now be divided into two single-layered triangles.
Step 6
Repeat this process with the other two-layered triangle and you should have your four triangles ready.

Part 2 - Folding the units
Step 1
Place a triangle on a hard surface with its point facing away from you and the long edge nearest you.
Step 2
Fold the triangle in half vertically by folding the left bottom point over to meet the right bottom point.
Leave folded.
Step 3
Fold the right point, the top layer only, downwards and to the left to meet the folded left edge.
The right point will fold towards you, past the bottom edge of the triangle, turning it into a very long, skinny shape.
 Step 4
 Keeping the long, skinny shape folded, flip it over to the left.
 The top part of the model will now have a smooth surface, with a small triangular tail peaking out on the bottom left.
 Step 5
 Repeat Step 3 with the remaining right point of the model, also folding it downwards and to the left along the center crease of the figure.
 Crease well and leave folded.
 Step 6
 Now, flip the folded skinny shape on the left back, so it covers the similar fold beneath it.
The unit will be cymmetrical and multi-layered with a straight edge on the left.
The top right side of the triangle will be a folded edge, while nearest you, there will be two loose, single-layered points or tails.
We will be working with these tails in the next steps.
We will be making similar folds as we did above, but now folding only the tails.
Step 7
Fold the right edge, the top layer of the tail only, downwards and to the left to meet the folded left edge.
Step  8
Keeping the tail folded, flip it over to the left.
Step 9
 Repeat Step 7 with the remaining right edge of the tail, also folding it downwards and to the left.
 Step 10
Now, flip the tail on the left back so it covers the similar fold beneath it.
Your shape will once again be cymmetrical.
Step 11
Open the unit like a book and you will see that you have two skinny tails facing you and a long point facing away from you.
Step 12
Pick up and hold the unit in your hand in such a way that the point is facing the table and the two skinny tails are facing the ceiling.
Without disturbing this orientation, fold the right tail towards you as far as it goes and fold the left tail away from you in the same way.
The folds will be stopped by the straight, top edge of the paper, so use this edge as a guide for your creases.
You will see that both these tails fold almost  one quarter down in opposite directions.
You will get a smooth, straight edge facing the ceiling now.
Your unit is ready.
Step 13
Fold 3 more similar units.

Part 3 - Assembling the star
1 The back and front of your units are cymmetrical, so you do not have to worry about this for the assembly of this star.
2 When doing the assembly, try to keep your units flat on the table. Only once the last unit has been joined to the first, will the model be secure enough to be picked up.
Step 1
Place your first unit with its point facing away from you.
Nearest you, on the left of the unit, there will be a tiny flap, which you can press flat against the surface of the star and ignore for now.
You will feel that there is a pocket on the bottom  right corner of the unit.
Starting at the point furthest away from you, slide your finger along the right side of the unit until you are stopped by a slanted edge.
If you lift this edge slightly, you will be able to slide your finger into the pocket.
Notice that the underside of the unit has a similar pocket and flap.
Step 2
Now, place another unit at a 90 degree angle on top of unit 1.
Find the pocket on the underside of unit 2 and hook it into the pocket of unit one.
You will find that both these pockets fit into each other properly.
Step 3
Rotate the model 90 degrees to the left so unit 2 now has its point vacing away from you.
Step 4
Take unit three and insert its pocket into the pocket of unit 2.
Step 5
Rotate the star once more and place unit four on top of unit three and repeat the same process.
The four units are now loosely joined.
Step 6
To lock the star, lift up unit one and insert its bottom pocket into the pocket of unit four, which is already facing the ceiling.
You may need some patience to lock the first and the fourth unit together but once it is locked, it will not fall apart.
Step 7
You will feel 4 little flaps which are lying around the center point of the star.
These are the four flaps which we have folded in the last step while folding our units.
Gently unfold these four flaps to see a second little star lying perfectly in the center of your mane  star.
Step 8
Flip the star over and unfold the 4 remaining flaps in the same way.
Your beautiful star is ready!
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