Text-Only Instructions: Lindy van der Merwe - Copyright 2024.

Credits and Resources:
Instructions with pictures can be found at
and on various sites elsewhere on the Internet with some minor variation on folding methods and sequences.
Paper to be used: 3 squares of similar size; use large paper to practice with at first.
Thicker paper or thin cardstock is strongly recommended.
Very thin paper will not be strong enough to hold your modules together.
Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Steps: 10
Description: This is a modular origami model, meaning that it is made up of different, similar folded units, which are fitted together to form the finished model.
The model is an open, triangular box. The finished model  is 6-sided with a fairly large flat base and interior. The top sides of the box lean towards the inside, making the finished model appear complicated and interesting to look at.
This is a great project for those who would like to start making models using modular origami.
It attempts to introduce the basic concepts, methods and phases of folding and assembling a modular origami project.
The units are fairly easy to fold and assembly is done using a straight, sliding motion.
When you have become familiar with assembling the units, you might like to try and use more than one color when designing your modular box.
Keep in mind that although this model is fairly secure, its base is made up of different units, so it will not be as strong as a box folded from a single sheet of paper.
You might want to secure the bottom of this box for durability's sake, either by using tape or glue or by adding an extra folded or cut triangular base placed on the inside or outside of the folded model.
You will be folding 3 similar units to form your box.
It is recommended that you fold all 3 pieces before attempting Phase 3, which will explain how to fit the pieces together to form the finished model.
If using two-sided origami paper, lay your paper with the patterned or colored side down before starting to fold.
Step 1
Place your square down so that it forms a diamond shape.
Step 2
Fold the bottom point up to meet the top point to form a triangle. Crease and leave folded.
You should have a triangle with the closed long edge nearest you and the open point facing away from you.
Step 3
Now grasp the left bottom corner of the triangle and fold it upwards and inwards to lie along the vertical center crease and meet the top point of the triangle.
Crease well and leave folded.
Step 4
Repeat with the bottom right corner.
You should now have a diamond-shaped model with two flaps that are lying along the vertical center crease line of the model.
Step 5
Next, unfold both triangular flaps you have just created. Notice that a two-layered diamond shape has now been revealed at the center of the model.
Step 6
Lastly, fold down the top point of the diamond, both layers, so it meets the bottom center of the model.
Crease well and unfold.
Don't worry if the triangles do not want to lie flat at this point.
You actually want the shape to be 3D when doing modular origami.
Repeat steps 1 to 6 2 more times so you have 3 similarly shaped units to work with.
In modular origami, the structure and orientation of your units is very important, so we will look at both these aspects before doing our assembly.
Place one of your units on a flat surface so the long, closed side of the shape is furthest away from you. You want the open point of the shape, made up of 2 loose flaps, to be nearest you.
You will notice the unit has 4 different parts:
* Part A: The loose flaps just mentioned, forming a triangle nearest you. This part should be flat on the table.
* Part B: Just behind part A, will be another triangle, also at the center.
Part A and B is divided by a horizontal fold or crease.
Think of Part A as the floor and Part B as the wall of your box.
So, part A will lie flat and part B will stand up at a 90 degree angle, like a wall.
Parts  C and D: On the left and right sides, there will be, what we will call the wings.
These last 2 parts will also stand up, but they will tend to lean a little towards you, or put in another way, they will lean towards you at a 45 degree angle.
More important is the fact that parts C and D also form pockets.
To summarize and explain before we start the assembly:
Part A will form the floor of your box;
Part B will form part of the wall; and
Parts C and D will be the flaps and pockets that will slide together to connect the units, in order to form the final creation.
Step 7
Position your 3 units on your folding surface so they represent the 3 sides of the box. Place each unit as mentioned above, so you have part B, the long, closed triangles on the outside and part A, flat on your folding surface and pointing towards each other and the center of your model.
Step 8
We will now connect the first two units, using parts C and D.
 Tip: You might find this step difficult at first, but keep at it. If you prefer, try this step by switching around what each hand does by substituting left for right in the instructions and see if you find the step easier to perform.
So, bring two of the triangular units closer to each other. Lightly grasp the side flaps of both units that are nearest each other and while opening the flap in your right hand gently with your thumb, slide the flap in your left hand into the unit on the right as far as possible.
You will notice how the flap in your left hand will move in a straight line, disappearing as it is sandwhiched between the two layers of the triangle it is sliding into.
At the same time, if you look at the flat, center part of the model, you should notice that the two loose triangles that will become the base or bottom of the box will also slide into place, the one sliding over the other.
Tip: If you prefer, you may secure the side of the model you have just completed using a paper clip or something similar, allowing you to work on the remaining sides of your box.
You may also use tape or glue at this point if you find it helpful.
Alternatively, you can place something heavy at the center of the assembly, which will anchor the first two units while you work on adding the third.
Step 9
Rotate the corner you have just assembled to the left and repeat Step 8 twice more.
Make sure the flaps are tucked into their pockets all the way and that the loose flaps forming the floor of the box lie nicely on top of each other.
Step 10 (Optional)
Your box is ready. If it will be handled, it is best to secure the bottom in some way. See the section called "Remarks" above.
If you will be using your box, see
Making origami accessible through text instructions.
for non-commercial use only.
Compiled by Lindy van der Merwe - March 2013
Revised: July 2024
This text copyright 2024 by

